- Housing First Fact Sheet - National Alliance to End Homelessness February 2022
- Using Shelters Strategically to End Homelessness - United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
- National Coalition for the Homeless - facts about homelessness, public policy recommendations
- Why Some Homeless Choose The Streets Over Shelter-NPR story - Interviews with currently/formerly homeless and service providers on why people choose to remain unsheltered.
- Seattle Urban Rest Stop - a project of the Low Income Housing Institute, providing a clean, safe and welcoming facility where individuals and families can come and use restrooms, shower and laundry facilities
- Sidewalk - Olympia volunteer-operated “one stop shop” for shelter and housing services for homeless adults. Their mission is to end homelessness through community engagement and coordination of resources
- DESC - Award winning Seattle Downtown Emergency Service Center who works to end the homelessness of vulnerable people, particularly those living with serious mental or addictive illnesses.
- The Outsiders podcast - 10 part series highlighting individuals experiencing homelessness in Olympia, WA. NPR/KNKX/Seattle Times February 2020-September 2021